Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Does Extraterestrial Life Exist ? A NASA story

Feb, 2nd, 2011
NASA's orbiting telescope named Kepler, founded as much as 1,235 planet-like bodies outside our solar system. 54 of them have the temperature that is hospitable. If the 54 planets found really able to support life forms, then we might not be alone in this universe.

The finding of these bodies still need to be confirmed. Up until now, the total planets counted on this universe is only 519 planets.

What if the bodies are really planets? Perhaps we do need a jedi like the one on star wars movie :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let the Egyptians be heard : Twitter, Google and SayNow in action

Well, Who on earth doesn't know big companies like twitter, google or saynow. These companies has teamed up on a great idea regarding situation in egypt.

Now egyptians can have a link to the outside world, just by simply making call to one of these international phone numbers:
+16504194196 or
+390662207294 or

Just by leaving a voice message, their thoughts and conditions can be heard all over the world using the twitter account

I guess this will really help the people in Egypt to let their thoughts be heard as the connection has been cut off by the government.

You can check for more post at Google Blog